Friday, February 26, 2010

The Calm before the storm...

Well today was definitely uneventful compared to yesterday. That is of course if it's possible to consider caring for a sick boy, teething toddler and starving baby uneventful! It was however filled with a few more accomplishments though! I was able to tackle half of the laundry mountain and even managed to squeeze in watching half of a movie while I did it! And not a shoot em up action packed flick like "Daddy Bowden" would like to watch, but a full blown chick flick! Man it felt good! And as I type I am sucked back into reality, with the baby sleeping on the boppy in my lap, because if I put her down she will cry, and I hear "Boy Bowden" Yelling at "Busiest Bowden" to put down the dog poop! Can I go make her do it? No, Do I care? Not really. Does that make me less of a super mom? No way! I'm choosing my battles, and a little dog poop never killed anyone, but a screaming baby has been know to drive a few women to insanity! So here I sit, while the laundry waits, and "Busiest Bowden" runs amuck! But it's OK. Because for a moment my house is quiet...OK that's not true, For the moment, no one is screaming would be a more accurate statement! So as if my life wasn't filled with enough hurdles and challenges, and too little time, Tomorrow starts the Dreaded Baseball season, For "Biggest Bowden" and "Boy Bowden"!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! How on earth am I going to cart them both to practice? WHAT was I thinking right? It was the excitement in my sons face, and tears in my daughters eyes that broke me....I should have worn a blind fold that day I swear! Oh and thanks Friendly neighbor for the call that reminded me of sign ups, while the kids and "Daddy Bowden" listened in (I was conveniently forgetting about it)! I Promise I'll return the favor when I can find a special way to! So that is why I have dubbed today "The calm before the storm" If things are this calm, something crazy is about to unfold. Or so history has taught me! But I am grateful for the opportunity to recharge my batteries just a bit. It was definitely needed! Although it just occurred to me that the day is only half over! *Gulp*

1 comment:

  1. We will be heading to Baseball too! (Well another year of T-Ball) and then football and all the things a boy is supposed to do! Even tried dance but my boy doesn't learn as easily as girls do (but that can be revisited ;) With a family of four children, there are bound to be many stormy and bright days :)
