My Super Family!

I'd like to tell you a little bit about my family! I am "Mama Bowden" I am 30 years old and married to the love of my life, My darling husband "Daddy Bowden".  We have been married for 13 years now, and we have 4 beautiful, crazy children! After all, All kids are crazy if you think about it right? After 3 years of marriage, and a few loses, we were blessed with our "Biggest Bowden". Our 10 year old daughter, who is so much like me it can be scary, In other words, she's perfect! Aside from her occasional emotionally driven outbursts, her over sensitivity, and perpetual perfectionism of course, but she has me to thank for all of that! She is also smart, funny, loving,  and can see what needs to be done and does it without expecting anything in return! (She got all of that from me too). Three years later we had our "Boy'ist Bowden" in other words he's the only boy! He happens to be a clone of his father as much as "biggest Bowden" is of me! He is very smart, has a great sense of humor, never ending energy, and somehow manages to make me laugh, and drive me crazy all at the same time! (Love you honey, thanks for the genes) And in 2008 we had "the busiest Bowden" our now 20 month old little bundle of energy, is an interesting mix of our first two. She has her sisters looks, and her brothers temperament. She is a perpetual attention hound, and will do anything for a laugh! I swear I keep looking for the battery compartment on this child, cause I just know she was born with three dozen energizer batteries built in, but I've yet to find it though! So far the only thing that slows her down, is yellow and square and lives under the sea, The infamous WhoBob WhatPants, but hey...whatever works right? And alas when "busiest Bowden" was 9 mo old, and I was 1 day from turning the big 30, I was given a surprise, in the form of 2 pink lines, Otherwise known as a Plus sign!  Needless to say It was a shocker, but as my waistline grew so did my undying affections for the "Littlest Bowden" Who is now 12 weeks old, and already up to no good! So far she has inherited her fathers allergies & appetite, Which means a very restricted diet for mommy, and a ravenous little baby! YAY! Oh well, maybe this will Reduce my overgrown waistline! At any rate, This was a very short description of our family, and someday I'll walk you through all of us as individuals, and the blessings my children truly are and how a few of them were true miracles!

 "Littlest Bowden"
12 weeks old, and making BIG smiles!
February, 2010
                                                       "Busiest Bowden"
                                                        20 Months old, 
                    And in her element of the great outdoors!
                                                       February 2010

"Boy'ist Bowden"

7 years old, Halloween 2009
We were a "Super Family"

         And "Biggest Bowden" Holding         "Littlest Bowden" Dec. 2009